Chengyu Zhang's Papers

  1. Testing Graph Database Engines via Query Partitioning.
    Matteo Kamm, Manuel Rigger, Chengyu Zhang and Zhendong Su.
    In Proceedings of ISSTA 2023.     [ Artifact ]

  2. FuzzBtor2: A Random Generator of Word-Level Model Checking Problems in Btor2 Format.
    Shengping Xiao, Chengyu Zhang, Jianwen Li, Geguang Pu.
    In Proceedings of TACAS 2023 (tool demonstration paper).     [ Tool ]

  3. Generative Type-Aware Mutation for Testing SMT Solvers.
    Jiwon Park, Dominik Winterer, Chengyu Zhang and Zhendong Su.
    In Proceedings of SPLASH/OOPSLA 2021.     [ Tool ]

  4. Feedback-Guided Circuit Structure Mutation for Testing Hardware Model Checkers.
    Chengyu Zhang, Minquan Sun, Jianwen Li, Ting Su and Geguang Pu
    In Proceedings of ICCAD 2021 (acceptance rate: 23.5%, 121/514).     [ Tool ]

  5. On the Unusual Effectiveness of Type-aware Operator Mutations for Testing SMT Solvers.
    Dominik Winterer*, Chengyu Zhang* and Zhendong Su. (*: Equal contributions)
    In Proceedings of SPLASH/OOPSLA 2020.     [ Tool ]

  6. Validating SMT Solvers via Semantic Fusion.
    Dominik Winterer*, Chengyu Zhang* and Zhendong Su. (*: Equal contributions)
    In Proceedings of PLDI 2020.     [ Slides / Video abstract / Tool ]
  7. PLDI Distinguished Paper Award

  8. Reinforcement Learning Guided Symbolic Execution.
    Jie Wu, Chengyu Zhang and Geguang Pu.
    In Proceedings of SANER 2020, LBI track.

  9. Detecting Nondeterministic Payment Bugs in Ethereum Smart Contracts.
    Shuai Wang, Chengyu Zhang and Zhendong Su.
    In Proceedings of SPLASH/OOPSLA 2019.

  10. Finding and Understanding Bugs in Software Model Checkers.
    Chengyu Zhang, Ting Su, Yichen Yan, Fuyuan Zhang, Geguang Pu and Zhendong Su.
    In Proceedings of ESEC/FSE 2019 (acceptance rate: 24%, 74/303).    [ Slides / Reported bugs ]

  11. Towards Efficient Data-flow Test Data Generation.
    Ting Su, Chengyu Zhang, Yichen Yan, Lingling Fan, Geguang Pu, Yang Liu, Zhoulai Fu and Zhendong Su.
    CoRR, abs/1803.10431, 2018.

  12. SmartUnit: Empirical Evaluations for Automated Unit Testing of Embedded Software in Industry.
    Chengyu Zhang, Yichen Yan, Hanru Zhou, Yinbo Yao, Ke Wu, Ting Su, Weikai Miao and Geguang Pu.
    In Proceedings of ICSE 2018, SEIP track (acceptance rate: 24%, 31/131).

  13. Towards Efficient Data-flow Test Data Generation using KLEE.
    Chengyu Zhang, Ting Su, Yichen Yan, Ke Wu, Geguang Pu
    CoRR, abs/1803.06516, 2018. (Abstract for talk at KLEE Workshop 2018)
last modified: 2023.11.07